Volunteers of URCS Kramatorsk city organization evacuate over 1,000 people since war start

Volunteers of the Kramatorsk city organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) have evacuated more than 1,000 people since the beginning of the war.
As the Ukrainian Red Cross Society reported on its official Facebook page, the volunteers also delivered 25,000 food packages, distributed more than 10,000 warm clothes, 5,000 hygiene items, 200 means of transport for people with disabilities, provided 65 lonely elderly people with care for home, and 1,500 families with children received food, diapers and other necessary items.
Since the beginning of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the volunteers of the Kramatorsk city organization of the URCS have provided hospitals with household appliances, generators and more than 5 tonnes of medicines, and provided psychological assistance to more than 5,000 people.
"Despite all the difficulties, danger and risks to life, volunteers continue to help on the spot every day to those who need it more!" the URCS said.
The first branch of the Red Cross on the territory of Ukraine appeared in 1867 in Simferopol, the second - in December of the same year in Kamianetz-Podilsky. As an independent national society, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society began to work after the founding congress in April 1918 in Kyiv. However, at that time the Society failed to achieve international recognition of its independence and already in 1923-1925 the Ukrainian Red Cross Society officially became part of the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR. More than a year after the collapse of the USSR (1992), the president issues a decree on the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, according to which the URCS is the only national Red Cross Society in Ukraine, and its main task is to assist the state authorities of Ukraine in their activities in humanitarian sphere. In 1993, the Society receives official recognition from the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva and becomes a full member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The legal status and legal basis for the activities of the URCS is regulated by the law on the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 2002.