McDonald's begins phased opening of restaurants in Ukraine

The first three McDonald's restaurants in Kyiv will open tomorrow, September 20, the company's press service reported.
"The restoration of the work of institutions in Kyiv and in the west of Ukraine will take place in stages over two months. At first, the establishments will work only for delivery, and the halls, express windows and McDrive will open in October. McDelivery will be the first to open in three restaurants in Kyiv: 3v, Bazhana Avenue (Kharkivska); 7, Hryshko Street (Pozniaky); 2a, Gagarin Avenue (Darnytsia)," Alesya Mudzhyri, Head of Corporate Communications at McDonald's, said.
According to her, in about a week, seven more restaurants in Kyiv will resume work, and subsequently other restaurants will open in Kyiv and in various cities in the west of the country.
At first, orders will only be available through the McDelivery service provided by McDonald's delivery partner Glovo.
"Early October, these restaurants will open to visitors and one can use the McDrive service and express windows. In other cities, the launch of restaurants will also begin with delivery, and then guests will be able to visit restaurants on their own," Mudzhyri said.
The restaurants of the chain in Ukraine closed on February 24, 2022 due to security reasons. The company maintains a team of more than 10,000 people, while continuing to pay wages. In addition, more than 700 tonnes of products were donated for humanitarian needs.