Ukraine does not need historical innovations in delivering EU recommendations, they can be implemented during war – EU Ambassador

In order to fulfill the EU recommendations, Ukraine does not need historical innovations, they can be implemented during the war, EU Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Matti Maasikas has said.
"I do not say that not much should be done but we know very well that the EU is there to assist you and Ukrainian authorities know what needs to be done. No historical groundbreaking innovations are needed in delivering on those recommendations. I am very proud that at my meetings now after June 23 with Ukrainian leadership, ministers and Zelensky's advisers the understanding of the urgency and a sincere wish to deliver on these recommendations is there. It will be maybe even bigger challenge in some areas on the EU's side to keep the pace to be able to as quickly start discussing the details on some of those recommendations but on most we have the details as well in place," Maasikas told Interfax-Ukraine.
He said there were no special problems on this list that would make it possible to argue that this was not possible during the war.
"Of course war not only kills people but also complicates a lot of things. That is clear. One may with justification say that: 'How can we reform the security service while the war is ongoing?' One of the huge achievements of Ukraine during this war is keeping the government running and keeping Ukraine's democracy working. So even in March in the very difficult days, first weeks Verkhovna Rada was meeting and adopting reforms and laws. That gives me hope and confidence that the issues that I entailed in the recommendations can be dealt with. To my mind on that list there are no particular issues that one could argue that it's not doable during the war," Maasikas said.
The ambassador drew attention to the fact that this list is not a requirement, but a recommendation to Ukraine, which is a sign of confidence in the country.
"If I had drafted this decision, I would have used the word trusting that work is being done in these seven areas. It is a show of trust towards Ukraine. You know that normally it works the other way round, as by the way the method that was applied to Georgia: first you do this, this and this – then we consider a candidate status. The trust towards Ukraine is so high in the EU at the moment that our leaders were able to take decision this way round. Again I am very proud of that," he said.
Maasikas said that none of this would have been possible without the Association Agreement that actually triggered the Revolution of Dignity and also was the reason that Putin started the war against Ukraine in 2014.
"The implementation of the agreement over the 5 last years has brought us closer together, has taught us to work together and also has helped Ukraine to move in the EU direction on several areas," he said.
The ambassador said that in all these areas that are now in these recommendations work has been done already, things are under work.
"Take the judicial reform. Last summer two groundbreaking laws were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada: on High council of justice and High qualification commission of judges which actually provide for complete overhaul of the judicial system. It is an issue also personally close to my heart, I worked very closely to with several Ukrainian politicians and leaders to achieve these laws. Implementation had started and now the implementation must be completed. I am very proud that the High council of justice has restarted very quickly after the outbreak of the war, also the High qualification commission of judges has announced re-launch of the work," the official said.