09:40 25.03.2022

EU recognizes European aspirations of Ukraine, invites EC to present its opinion - EU summit conclusions

2 min read
EU recognizes European aspirations of Ukraine, invites EC to present its opinion - EU summit conclusions

he leaders of states and governments of the member states of the European Union declare their support for the European choice of Ukraine and invite the European Commission to provide its findings regarding Kyiv's application for membership.

"The European Union stands by Ukraine and its people and the European Council reaffirms the Versailles Declaration, acknowledging the European aspirations and the European choice of Ukraine, as stated in the Association Agreement. The European Council reiterates its invitation to the Commission to submit its opinion in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties," the report says.

"The European Union will continue to provide coordinated political, financial, material and humanitarian support. The European Union has so far adopted significant sanctions that are having a massive impact on Russia and Belarus, and remains ready to close loopholes and target actual and possible circumvention as well as to move quickly with further coordinated robust sanctions on Russia and Belarus to effectively thwart Russian abilities to continue the aggression. The European Council calls on all countries to align with those sanctions. Any attempts to circumvent sanctions or to aid Russia by other means must be stopped," it reads.

"The Russian military aggression against Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee their homes. Many of them have found shelter and safety in the European Union, facilitated by the temporary protection mechanism. Particular attention should be paid to the needs of the most vulnerable and measures to prevent and detect human trafficking. The European Council pays tribute to all the citizens, organizations and governments across Europe who have shown solidarity with those fleeing this atrocious war," it says.

"This crisis represents a significant challenge for the infrastructure and public services of hosting States, notably at the borders with Ukraine. The European Council recognizes all the efforts already made to welcome refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, and calls on all Member States to intensify their efforts in a continued spirit of unity and solidarity, and invites the Commission to take any necessary initiatives to facilitate such efforts. It also calls for work to be urgently completed on the recent Commission proposals to support Member States so as to ensure that EU funding for refugees and their hosts can be mobilized rapidly and invites the Commission to work on additional proposals to reinforce EU support in this regard," according to the document.