Reznikov calls on residents of Russia-occupied CADLR, Crimea to resist mobilization, go over to the side of Ukrainian army

Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov has called on residents of Russia-occupied territories of Donbas (certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions CADLR) and Crimea to evade forced mobilization, and if they fail, to look for a way to go over to the side of the Ukrainian army.
"The third week of heroic defense against a full-scale Russian invasion is coming to an end. The situation remains difficult, especially in the south and east. But our defenders are increasingly turning to counterattacks in different sectors of the front, from the Kyiv and Mykolaiv regions to Luhansk region. The burning helicopters of the enemy in Kherson region are a clear demonstration of what is happening to Russian invading forces," Reznikov said on Facebook.
The minister said that the authorities are constantly working with NATO, the EU and bilaterally to strengthen the defense of the country.
"Now the free world is Ukraine-centric. And we are doing everything to make our army and our people feel it. We agreed not to report specific results. I just want to say that there is positive news. The enemy will be the first to recognize them on the field of battle from our military," he added.
The minister also called on Russian citizens to actively resist the war.
"And not with posts from a Turkish or Israeli hotel, but on the streets of Russian cities – this is the way to change your place on the list of war criminals. Don't imitate. Act," Reznikov said.
Among other things, the minister addressed the residents of Russia-occupied areas of Donbas and Crimea.
"We continue to consider you citizens of Ukraine. Those who did not become a collaborator and did not commit crimes are not in danger. If now you are forcibly mobilized into the Russian troops, do everything to avoid going to the front. Run, hide. If you can't avoid this, look for a way to immediately go over to the side of the Ukrainian army. Save your life. This is the main thing. We'll deal with the rest later," he wrote.
The minister also urged those who betrayed the oath to the Ukrainian people in 2014 to surrender.
"If you surrender along with the equipment, provide important information or help capture Russian officers, this will be taken into account when bringing you to justice as a significant mitigating circumstance. Save your life, serve your sentence and get a chance to start over in the world. Don't hesitate," Reznikov said.
The minister addressed all Ukrainians, saying, "today is a test of our generation. And we are passing it with flying colors."