Within 2-3 weeks, Russian army to make another offensive attempt with involvement of volunteers from Middle East – Arestovych

Within 2-3 weeks, the Russian army will make another offensive attempt with the involvement of volunteers from the countries of the Middle East, said Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to the head of the President's Office.
"One need to understand very clearly: there will be another attempt to attack. Now the Russian troops near Kyiv are actually defeated, they are on the defensive, they are trying to move in small units. We are destroying them. They will try to throw reserves into areas where they have made progress. This, of course, will be a zone of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO), in the region of Mariupol, maybe Kharkiv region and near Kyiv," Arestovych said on air at the telethon on Saturday.
According to his forecasts, this can happen within two-three or three and a half weeks with the participation of volunteers from the countries of the Middle East.
"They are accumulating reserves. According to some reports, from Abkhazia, from Nagorno-Karabakh, trying under the guise of partial mobilization to recruit the military and renew 20-30 battalion tactical groups and again rush into battle. But you can imagine the combat capability of these people, who were gathered without combat coordination and thrown into battle? Well, we are talking about the Syrians. Do you remember how brave the Russian troops were at the beginning of the conflict, when they said that they would finish with Ukraine in 48 hours? And now the second army of the world is fighting and cannot cope with Ukraine without the Syrians?" head of the President 's Office said.
"But these reserves will also fall. It may take us 10 days, a week ... After that, they will stop, because they will have nothing to fight with," he added.
It is at this moment, according to Arestovych, "the Russian Federation will start real negotiations, and not pointless ultimatums."
He also noted that the turning point in the war had already occurred a few days ago. Since the beginning of the war, Russia has brought more than 90 battalion tactical groups into Ukraine. Of these, almost 15 have already been completely destroyed and about 19-70 groups are not combat-ready.