12:43 02.07.2021

Kyiv Court of Appeal returns complaints of property owner's repesentative, filed in interests of son of Yanukovych

1 min read
Kyiv Court of Appeal returns complaints of property owner's repesentative, filed in interests of son of Yanukovych

The decisions of Kyiv Court of Appeal returned the appeals filed by the representative of the property owner against the decisions of the investigating judge of Pechersky District Court of Kyiv on September 3, 2014, due to the missed appeal deadline.

"The contested decisions of the court of first instance sustained the petition of the investigator of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine and seized 19.42455% of the charter capital (corporate rights) in the amount of UAH 9.125 million Artemivsk Winery and 99.999% of the charter capital (corporate rights) of the Complex Druzhba, which belongs to MAKO-Holding that is owned by the suspect, citizens of Y.," the court's press service said.

The court said that a citizen is suspected of committing criminal offenses under Part 3 of Article 27, Part 3 of Article 212 (evasion of taxes, fees (mandatory payments), Part 3 of Article 27, Part 2 of Article 366 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.