16:08 24.06.2021

'Indian' strain of COVID-19 recorded in Ukraine – Danilov

2 min read
'Indian' strain of COVID-19 recorded in Ukraine – Danilov

The Delta-type coronavirus, which was first detected in India, has been recorded in Ukraine in two people, said Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine.

As Danilov said in an interview with TSN, two cases were recorded in 66 years old mother and her 16 years old child, who have recently returned from Russia. Now they are hospitalized, their condition is stable.

"We have four laboratories that can detect a new strain, two private and two public, but we do not have tests that detect the Indian strain, that is why we turned to the World Health Organization (WHO)," Danilov said. He also did not rule out that communication with some countries could be completely stopped due to the "Indian" strain.

According to the office of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, during a meeting on Wednesday chaired by Danilov, measures were discussed in connection with the potential threat of another outbreak of coronavirus disease due to the Delta strain, the spread of which has already been recorded in 92 countries.

According to the meeting participants, among additional effective anti-epidemic measures, it is necessary to accelerate the pace of vaccination and ensure its availability, especially for vulnerable groups to COVID-19 - people aged 60 and older, to intensify awareness-raising work on immunization.

Also, according to experts, early detection of the Delta strain, strengthening the quality tracking of contact persons, strengthening the laboratory component to identify the new Delta strain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and other types of mutations of this virus is important. The need was noted to improve domestic treatment protocols in accordance with the today's requirements and to strengthen the readiness of healthcare institutions to provide medical care to patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the event of mass morbidity. It is also important to maximize immunization of health care personnel providing care to such patients.