15:34 13.03.2021

Servant of People congress approves new edition of party charter

1 min read
Servant of People congress approves new edition of party charter

The political party Servant of the People has approved a new version of its charter, this decision was supported by the congress of the political force on Saturday.

"We decided [with the new edition of the charter] to formalize the relations that exist in the party and create a certain new structure," said party chairman Oleksandr Korniyenko at the party's congress in Kyiv on Saturday.

He specified that the party will have two large governing bodies: the political council, which directly forms the party congress, and the national council of communities. A similar structure will be repeated at the regional level.

At the same time, Servant of the People plans to envisage a system of secretaries in its composition.

Also, according to the new version of the charter, the party plans to create primary cells that will be able to initiate the question of recalling deputies of local councils before regional organizations.

In addition, the new version of the charter provides for an updated approach to admission to party membership. For this purpose, nominating committees will be set up to conduct interviews with applicants.