Some 83% of Ukrainians don't see govt's success in fight against corruption in highest echelons of power - KIIS opinion poll

Some 83% of Ukrainians are sure that the fight against corruption in the highest echelons of power is not successful. The success of the current government in this matter is noted by 12%, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on February 21-25, 2020.
At the same time, in December last year, 17% of respondents noted the success of the government in the fight against corruption in the highest echelons of power, while 76% of respondents note lack of success.
According to the results of a social survey, 80% of Ukrainians also see no progress in the investigation of high-profile criminal cases (in December it was 71%), only 11% note success (in December this number was 17%).
The survey was conducted using the CATI method (computer-assisted telephone interviews) using a random selection of mobile phone numbers. The sample is representative of the adult population (aged 18 years and older) of Ukraine. The sample does not include Russia-occupied territories. Some 1,500 interviews were conducted for the survey. The sampling error with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 3%.
The data from the study are compared with the results of KIIS surveys, which were conducted from December 15 to December 18, from November 22 to November 25, from November 4 to November 7, from October 9 to October 11, and from September 6 to September 19, 2019.