13:26 04.10.2019

Russian-language schools to switch to Ukrainian language of instruction from Sept 2020

1 min read
Russian-language schools to switch to Ukrainian language of instruction from Sept 2020

Minister of Education and Science Hanna Novosad notes that from September 2020, Russian-language schools will switch to the Ukrainian language of instruction.

"There are still Russian-language schools in Ukraine. But since September 2020, such schools switch to the Ukrainian language of instruction ... And schools with the languages of national minorities that belong to the languages of the European Union - from September 2023. We must prepare them for this transition," said Novosad on the air of the Pryamiy channel.

The minister noted that in such schools, which will mainly study in the Ukrainian language, it will remain possible to study the native language or literature, in fact, in their own language. "If we are talking about the Russian minority, this will be a separate subject, in addition it will be possible to choose additional extra curriculum courses," added Novosad.