12:26 23.07.2019

OSCE/ODIHR hopes Ukraine switches to proportional elections system

1 min read
OSCE/ODIHR hopes Ukraine switches to proportional elections system

The majoritarian part of the process of elections to Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada was noted for its violations and Ukraine should adopt the proportional system, OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) election observation mission head Ambassador Albert Jonsson has said.

"The majoritarian system is … a factor impacting the transparency of the electoral process. This component of the system was criticized by many of the election observation mission's interlocutors as particularly subject to corruption and fraud by powerful local interests. If the Electoral Code adopted on July 11, 2019 comes into force the system will change to a fully proportional one," he said during a press conference in Kyiv on Monday.