14:35 21.06.2019

CEC registers 132 more majoritarian parliamentary candidates, 182 candidates from Opposition Bloc – For Life party list

2 min read

Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) on Thursday held its latest meeting during which it registered 132 candidates for parliament running in majoritarian districts in early elections, including 127 self-appointed candidates and five supported by political parties.

According to the press service of the CEC, the commission registered five candidates proposed by political parties in one majoritarian district, namely: three candidates from the All-Ukrainian Cherkashchan Association, one from the Volia party and one from the Internet Party of Ukraine.

"In addition, registration of MP Maksym Mykytas, who was running in voting district No. 206 as a self-appointed candidate, was cancelled in line with his request," the CEC's press service said.

The CEC also refused to register five self-appointed candidates for parliament.

As of June 20, 892 candidates were registered in majoritarian district races, 744 of whom are self-appointed and 148 of whom have been proposed by political parties.

CEC refused to register L. Shykota and S. Kryzhanovsky from Opposition Party – For Life, No. 122 and No 123, respectively, in the national party-list vote.

CEC registered 182 candidates from Opposition Bloc – For Life in the party-list vote.

"Thus, as of June 20, the CEC registered 1,021 candidates for parliament included in the electoral lists of six political parties, in the national multi-mandate electoral district early parliamentary election," the CEC said.