Accident at Toretskvuhillia in Donetsk region kills one coalminer

A coalminer was killed in an accident at the Tsentralna coalmine near Toretsk, another miner managed to escape, the State Emergency Service has reported.
"On June 14, at 20:56, the State Emergency Service received information that near the city of Toretsk, in the Tsentralna mine of the state-owned enterprise Toretskvuhillia on the 1,146 meter horizon at section 42 there was a sudden release of coal-gas mixture with a rock collapse," the authority said.
Two miners were on the site when the accident occurred, one miner escaped on his own. On the night of June 15 around 3:15, rescuers found the body of the second miner (born 1983).
"A total of 119 miners worked in the mine. The coalmine's work was suspended, the miners left the coalmine," the rescuers said.
Four mining and rescue departments of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry were involved in rescue operations.