War lessons give Ukraine grounds for fight against Russian aggression – Poroshenko

The lessons of the Second World War give Ukraine the ground for the fight against the Russian annexation of the Crimea and the occupation of part of Donbas, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.
"Memories make us think again and again about the causes of wars and draw proper conclusions. Millions and millions of people all over the world are united by one goal - to prevent the repetition of the tragedy. And only in Moscow, may God be their judge, they say: "We can repeat." For Ukraine, which opposes Russian aggression, the conclusions are drawn from the lessons of the Second World War and they are especially important. They give us the moral and legal basis for a fair fight against the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of part of the Ukrainian Donbas," Poroshenko said during the First Minute of Peace action on Wednesday evening in Kyiv.
Poroshenko considers cynical statements about the "civil war" in Ukraine.
"And to say that we have a "civil war" is as cynical as, for example, to say that in the forties, there was an internal conflict in Russia, and Hitler only helped the army of Vlasov or the Cossacks of Krasnov. I did not invent this comparison, it is borrowed from social networks," Poroshenko said.
The president thanked the Ukrainian servicemen for their courage in defending the country against the Russian aggression and said that "the new Head of State will have a military capability sufficient to confidently defend the country from the attacks of an aggressive neighbor."