14:52 26.11.2018

Poland, Estonia, Denmark and Romania condemn Russia's actions in Kerch Strait

2 min read
Poland, Estonia, Denmark and Romania condemn Russia's actions in Kerch Strait

 The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Estonia, Denmark and Romania have condemned Russia's aggressive actions in the Kerch Strait against the Ukrainian ships.

"We strongly condemn Russia's aggressive actions and call on its authorities to respect international law. We urge both sides to show restraint in the current situation, which may pose a threat to the stability of European security," the Polish Foreign Ministry said in its statement on Monday.

"Dangerous incidents today in the Sea of #Azov due to aggressive Russian actions. Russia must restore free passage at the Kerch strait. Important to de-escalate the situation now," Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said on Twitter.

Also, the Estonian Foreign Minister called for the liberation of Ukrainian ships.

"Estonia condemns Russia's attack against Ukrainian vessels in Azov Sea and Kerch Strait and calls on immediate release of the ships. These actions violate both international law and Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, a conscious act to escalate tension," Estonian Foreign Minister Sven Mikser was quoted as saying by the Estonia's Foreign Ministry.

Romania expressed concern over the events in the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait: "Deeply concerned about the developments in Azov Sea and Kerch Strait. Aggression and violation of international law undermine the security of the whole region. Romania fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and its rights to use its territorial waters," the Romanian Foreign Ministry said on Twitter.