17:28 08.08.2018

Russia using array of non-military methods against Ukraine – Chernysh

1 min read
Russia using array of non-military methods against Ukraine – Chernysh

Ukraine's Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons Vadym Chernysh has said Russia is no longer trying to influence Ukrainian society through direct propaganda, but has moved on to covert information activities.

"What Ukrainian society has learned to identify is direct propaganda, straightforward, with pro-Russian messages, but Russians have already changed tactics. Long ago Russia started using indirect ways to influence Ukrainians. The messages are more subtle, targeting specific groups," Chernysh told the Kyiv-based Interfax-Ukraine news agency in a blitz interview.

The minister also divided Russia's propaganda efforts in Ukraine into two categories: supporting those who, according to Moscow, should come to power in Ukraine, as well as discrediting those whom they oppose.

Chernysh said along with military methods of influence and pressure on Ukraine, Russia uses non-military methods, including economic sanctions, diplomacy, pro-Russian organizations and religious organizations, as well as the activities of intelligence agencies.

"Russia is also very serious in studying the problems of Ukraine. I am convinced that the number of scientific and expert institutions of Russia that are engaged in Ukraine is greater than in Ukraine itself, and much is done by Russia's National Institute for Strategic Studies," he said.