12:55 09.12.2017

Normandy Four presidential advisors to discuss Donbas security, humanitarian issues

1 min read
Normandy Four presidential advisors to discuss Donbas security, humanitarian issues

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has unveiled the agenda of a meeting of advisors to the presidents of the Normandy Four nations (Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia) in Minsk on Saturday.

"At the level of diplomatic advisors. They will be talking mainly with emphasis on security, with emphasis on humanitarian problems [in Donbas]. This is very important for us," Klimkin told journalists in Kyiv on Saturday when asked about a meeting to be held by Normandy Four presidential advisors in Minsk later in the day.

Donbas is "sleepwalking into a humanitarian and ecological disaster," Klimkin said. "Unless we really enlist our friends to deal with these problems, we will face much bigger challenges in future," the minister said.