15:40 23.10.2017

Government amends resolution on rules to strip ATO soldiers of their status

1 min read
Government amends resolution on rules to strip ATO soldiers of their status

 The Cabinet of Ministers has resolved the issue of stripping anti-terrorist operation (ATO) soldiers of the status of a participant in hostilities by introducing amendments to government resolution No. 413 of August 20, 2014, according to the Ukrainian Military Pages news site.

"The amendments made by Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 789 of October 18, 2017 provide for the possibility of depriving persons participating in the anti-terrorist operation of their status as a participant in combat operations if there is a conviction that a person committed an intentional serious crime, that untrue information on participation in the ATO was provided, or if a person forwards a personal request," the report says.

At the same time, it notes that "the government amended the provision on the single state automated register of persons eligible for benefits, which was approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolution No. 117 of January 29, 2003, on the inclusion in the register of relevant information about the loss of the right to benefits."