11:13 25.05.2017

Groysman intends to visit Munich in autumn or winter

2 min read
Groysman intends to visit Munich in autumn or winter

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has accepted the invitation of the Prime Minister of the federal state of Bavaria Horst Seehofer to visit Munich in the autumn or winter and speak to business representatives.

"Perhaps, then we would start cooperation between the secretariats of our governments. Such visit could take place in the autumn or winter. I think that the best enterprises should be involved in such a meeting," Seehofer said at a meeting with the premier of Ukraine in Kyiv on Thursday.

Groysman thanked for the invitation and spoke for the possibility of holding a Ukrainian-Bavarian business forum within the framework of such a visit.

"I thank you, Mr. Prime Minister, for the invitation. I think this is a very good idea, and regarding the meeting and engaging business into the trip, it is possible to hold a business forum within the framework of this visit where we can discuss directions for deepening our economic cooperation which corresponds to our mutual interests. I thank you for the invitation, I accept it," the prime minister of Ukraine said.

According to Seehofer, it is unfortunately not possible to organize such a visit before autumn, since elections will be held in Germany in September.

Groysman added that within the framework of the visit it would be necessary to devote time to the issue of cooperation in the sphere of higher and vocational education, since Ukraine could adopt the experience that Bavaria has.

He said that an agreement on the exchange of information exists between higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Bavaria.

The Prime Minister of Bavaria expressed readiness to develop relations between the countries in the sphere of education.