11:59 10.11.2016

E-declarations not submitted by 3 MPs, another 9 untimely fill them

1 min read
E-declarations not submitted by 3 MPs, another 9 untimely fill them

Declarations of property and income for 2015 have not been submitted by three Ukrainian MPs, another nine MPs have filed them out of time, Deputy Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) Ruslan Radetsky has said.

"The Unified Register of declarations of persons authorized to perform state functions or local government, doesn’t contain annual e-declarations for the 2015 of the following deputies: Matios Maria Vasylivna, Onyschenko Oleksandr Romanovych, Kliuyev Serhiy Petrovych," Radetsky said on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

According to him, annual e-declarations for the 2015 were untimely filled by the following deputies: Yuriy-Bohdan Shukhevych (Radical Party faction), Oleksandr Dubinin, Iryna Konstankevych and Oleksandr Suprunenko (non-affiliated), Kostiantyn Ischeikyn and Oleh Dmytrenko (Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction), Ihor Shkyria (Vidrodzhennia Deputy Group), Viacheslav Bohuslayev and Anatoliy Hirschfeld (People’s Will Deputy Group).

In addition, Radetsky said that according to the preliminary results of the analysis of the first stage of the declarations and the NACP’s activities, a number of problems was revealed in this period "that need to be solved through appropriate changes in legislation."