18:33 05.08.2016

Prosecutors probing NABU wiretapping of citizen, not subject of criminal case

1 min read
Prosecutors probing NABU wiretapping of citizen, not subject of criminal case

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko claims that his officers were checking information related to wiretapping by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine's (NABU) of a citizen who had nothing to do with criminal proceedings.

The person whose conversations by phone were illegally tapped by NABU agents "is not an official," Lutsenko said at a briefing in Kyiv.

A wiretapping request was filed by NABU, he said. Lutsenko noted it is important to clarify whether a bureau investigator was aware whether he was wiretapping a person not involved in the investigation.

Further, Lutsenko added that he had informed NABU chief Artem Sytnyk about the search at NABU the day before, on August 4. PGO agents came to the NABU office on August 5, as it was authorized by the court.

"Let me emphasize: as late as last night I got into touch with the NABU chief to inform him about this activity, as I consider joint activity with NABU's heads as collaboration of allied agencies striving to prevent violations of law in any manifestation, including by personnel from any law enforcement agency," Lutsenko said.