15:15 18.05.2016

Ukraine's Justice Ministry didn't get documents on pardoning, extradition of Russians Yerofeyev and Alexandrov

1 min read
Ukraine's Justice Ministry didn't get documents on pardoning, extradition of Russians Yerofeyev and Alexandrov

The Ukrainian Justice Ministry has not received documents on the extradition to Russia or pardoning of Russian intelligence officers Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Alexander Alexandrov, who were convicted in Ukraine, Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko has said.

"As of now, there are no such documents there," he told reporters in Kyiv on Wednesday.

Commenting on the alleged extradition of Nadia Savchenko, who was convicted of killing Russian journalists, the justice minister recalled that all documents have been filed the same as for other Ukrainian prisoners. "They are now being reviewed by Russia. We only have information from the media that a certain package of documents was allegedly received by their Justice Ministry today, which will be reviewed by their Federal Penitentiary Service," the minister said.

Speaking about the contacts between the Ukrainian Justice Ministry and Russian colleagues, Petrenko said: "We only have contacts via conventional mechanisms."

Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov said earlier on Wednesday that the documents on the extradition of Savchenko to Ukraine are being reviewed by the Russian Justice Ministry in accordance with routine regulations and that requests from Yerofeyev and Alexandrov, who were convicted in Kyiv, have not been received.