New searches conducted at Crimean Tatars homes

Armed men carried out searches in the house of Abdullah Bayev in Pionerske, Simferopol district, Crimea, on Saturday morning, a mosque in the village of Vyshenne, Bilohirsk district, was searched on Friday, Head of the Central Election Commission of Kurultai (the national congress) of the Crimean Tatar people Zair Smedlia said.
"Provocations against Crimean Tatars continue. Last night, a search was conducted in a mosque in the village of Vyshenne, Bilohirsk district. There were no armed people in balaclavas though. Two cars – a light motor car and a Gazelle van – have arrived this morning in the village of Pionerske, Simferopol district. The house of Abdullah Bayev in the village of Pionerske, 17 Dzhalman Street is being searched by armed men!" he wrote on the Facebook page on Saturday.
As reported, four of Crimean Tatars detained in Bakhchisarai were put under a two-month arrest on May 13.