11:40 16.03.2016

Poroshenko approves Ukrainian cyber security strategy

2 min read
Poroshenko approves Ukrainian cyber security strategy

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed an order to enforce the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council's resolution dated January 27, 'On the Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine'.

The purpose of the Ukrainian cyber security strategy is to create conditions for safe operation of cyber space and its use in the interests of people, society and the government, the Ukrainian presidential press service said on Wednesday morning.

Created in the modern digital world and development of IT technologies they can be used to commit terrorist attacks, including interfering in automated process management system operations at infrastructure facilities. Politically motivated activities in the cyberspace in the form of attacks on government and private websites are today common.

"The economic, scientific and information, public management, defense and industrial, transport, electronic communications spheres and Ukraine's security and defense has become more vulnerable to destructive the activities of foreign intelligence services in cyberspace. The expansive, sometimes even dominating, presence of organizations, groups, persons directly or indirectly linked to Russia makes this document "Required Reading for all.

The strategy envisages a wide range of measures to ensure Ukraine's cyber security, particularly, the adaptation of the state policy aimed at developing cyberspace to the current situation, the compliance with EU and NATO standards, the formation of a competitive environment in the sphere of electronic communications and the provision of cyber protection services.

The strategy implies deepening international cooperation and the support of international initiatives in the area of cyber security, including extension of cooperation between Ukraine, the EU and the Alliance.

According to the document, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the Security Service, the National Police, the National Bank and intelligence agencies are the cornerstones of the national cyber security network.

The National Security and Defense Council has ordered the Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service together with the National Institute for Strategic Studies to approve an action plan for implementing the Ukrainian cyber security strategy in 2016 within two months, to develop and approve similar plans on a regular basis in the forthcoming years, and to report their implementation.

The National Security and Defense Council is tasked with creating of the national cyber security coordination center that will be part of the council.