Poroshenko: opening of centers of administrative services in regions is landmark in struggle against corruption

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Friday took park in the opening of the center of administrative services in Rivne.
"Why it becomes possible? Through a decentralization mechanism. A lion's part of powers were earlier in Kyiv… it was required to make unnecessary trips to Kyiv and back, spend money and time. Everything could be solved in one institution today," he said, opening the center of administrative services.
He said that this is not new, these centers had been long ago established in Europe as one of the necessary state instruments.
"It is important not to have walls and queues. We realize well that bureaucrats create queues to demonstrate the necessity of their posts," he said.
The face of the authorities in these centers is bright, transparent and non-corrupt, Poroshenko said.
"Citizens shouldn't run about different institutions to collect useless papers. They should spend minimum time. Everything must be electronic," he said.
"These centers of administrative services are another landmark in the struggle against corruption… The whole world has come to it. Friends, I congratulate you – finally Ukraine has grown to do it," the president said.