09:14 26.12.2015

Ukrainian Literature Library director to remain under house arrest until end of January

1 min read
Ukrainian Literature Library director to remain under house arrest until end of January

Moscow's Presnensky District Court ruled on Friday to extend the house arrest of Ukrainian Literature Library director Natalya Sharina, who has been accused of circulating extremist materials, until January 28, so granting the investigation's motion, an Interfax correspondent reported from the courthouse.

The investigator said at the hearing that the investigation still had to carry out a number of legal procedures in the case, including obtain the findings of a cultural, linguistic, and psychological study and question witnesses.

The investigator also argued that, if remains unrestricted, Sharina might concoct artificial evidence of her innocence, including put pressure on witnesses, who are her subordinates.

Sharina's defense lawyers objected to the extension of her house arrest.