17:49 23.12.2015

Poroshenko hopes Ukraine to be on honorable position close to European partners in Transparency International Index in two or three years

2 min read
Poroshenko hopes Ukraine to be on honorable position close to European partners in Transparency International Index in two or three years

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that Ukraine today has started a serious process of rooting out corruption.

"Recent sensational investigations and headline-making arrests for corruption are confirmation of the political will to overcome corruption and they are the indicator that we have really started the process," the Ukrainian president said in his greeting to the participants and organizers of the Anti-Corruption Forum in Kyiv that will be opened in Kyiv on Wednesday.

The president said that the legislative base to fight corruption has been formed, and the relevant infrastructure is being created. A team of honest and incorruptible law enforcers is being formed at tenders.

"However, it is not enough to crack cases, dismiss and even detain. People fairly demand strict and inevitable punishment for corruption. We're preparing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine related to judicial reform and foresee the clearing and upgrade of the judicial power," the head of state said.

He said that by joint efforts Ukrainians will manage to destroy the 'corruption monster.'

"I hope that in two or three years Ukraine will be on one of the honorable positions close to the European partners – the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Georgia, which started these reforms several years ago - in the Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International," Poroshenko said.