11:31 19.12.2015

Amnesty International: Communist Party ban decisive blow for freedom of speech in Ukraine

2 min read
Amnesty International: Communist Party ban decisive blow for freedom of speech in Ukraine

Amnesty International has said that banning the Communist Party in Ukraine is a flagrant violation of freedom of expression and association and should be immediately overturned

"The banning of the Communist Party in Ukraine sets a very dangerous precedent. This move is propelling Ukraine backwards not forwards on its path to reform and greater respect for human rights," John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s Director of Europe and Central Asia, said.

Amnesty International said that the moves by the Ukrainian authorities to ban the Communist Party solely on account of its name and use of Soviet-era symbols violates the rights to freedom of expression and association and sets a dangerous precedent in Ukrainian political life.

"Today’s decision may be seen by its proponents as dealing with the damaging vestiges of the Soviet past. In fact, it does exactly the opposite by following the same style of draconian measures used to stifle dissent," Dalhuisen said.

On December 16, 2015, the district administrative court of Kyiv banned the Communist Party in Ukraine under a claim of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine.

"The court fully satisfied the claim of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine, banning the Communist Party in Ukraine," the press service of the court reported.

On July 8, 2014, the Justice Ministry and the State Registration Service of Ukraine filed a claim to ban the Communist Party in Ukraine to the district administrative court of Kyiv.