Only one power supply line leading to Crimea can currently be repaired - Ukraine's Interior Minister

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry now believes that only one power line used for supplying electrical power to Crimea, the 220 kilovolt Kakhovka-Titan power line, can currently be repaired, Ukraine's Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said at an emergency meeting of the Ukrainian government on Monday.
"Repair work can only be done on one line, the 220 [kilovolt] Kakhovka-Titan [power line]. As for the others, we insist that work cannot be done on them at this time until we fully clear these lines in terms of potential threats of more explosions and subversive attacks. We have information that such attacks are possible, regardless of the point of view of the Mejlis and Crimean Tatars and law enforcement officials," he said.
Avakov added that he believes the issue needs to be addressed by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC).
"I would ask for this issue to be resolved not only and not so much in the sphere of economics, but as a security issue to develop radical and appropriate measures on power supply issues. And, accordingly, discuss this matter in the NSDC in the next few days," he said.