Draft tax reform includes increase of excise duties on alcohol by 15%, cigarettes by 20% in three years

The draft law on tax reform agreed by the National Reforms Council of the Ukrainian President foresees the gradual increase of excise duties on alcohol and tobacco within three years.
According to the document, in 2016, 2017 and 2018 the duties on alcohol will be increased by 15% and duties on tobacco – by 20%.
The electronic fuel sale administration system that includes the introduction of the excise document as a mandatory electronic document for all transactions on the sale of fuel on the domestic market would be introduced.
It is planned to make impossible the sale of the unaccounted volumes of fuel on which the excise duty was not paid and change the unit of measurement from kilograms to liters with temperature of 15 Centigrade.
The list of excisable fuel would be expanded by some goods used for mixing fuel.