Court arrests Svoboda party member Syrotiuk for two months – party

Pechersky district court of Kyiv has announced that it has arrested former MP, Svoboda party member Yuriy Syrotiuk for 60 days as part of a criminal proceeding to investigate the clashes outside the Verkhovna Rada on August 31.
This is according to a post on the party's Twitter account.
Svoboda said that its independent member Yuriy Levchenko, on behalf of ten deputies, offered to pay bail for Syrotiuk.
On September 10, Pechersky district court of Kyiv released Svoboda party member and former agrarian policy minister Ihor Shvaika on bail, however he remains suspected of involvement in clashes outside the Verkhovna Rada on August 31.
The court also ruled to place former Svoboda member Eduard Leonov under house arrest for the duration of the investigation.
As reported, the Main Investigative Department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry has called Svoboda leader Oleh Tiahnybok, as well as party members Yuriy Syrotiuk, Ihor Shvaika, Serhiy Boiko, and Ihor Sabiy in for question as a result of the events of August 31.