SBU accusing coal supplier to Centrenergo in financing terrorists

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has accused the owner of Sodeistvie private enterprise (Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region), a supplier of coal from the Anti-Terrorist (ATO) zone to power plants of state-run public joint-stock company Centrenergo of financing terrorists, according to a ruling of the Zhovtnevy District court of Mariupol of August 11, 2015 published in the state register of court rulings.
"The terrorists' organization [DPR] is financed by "person_2" using a number of businesses registered both in Ukraine and abroad that actually belong to "person_2" to hide the illegal operations registered to straw parties, including Sodeistvie private enterprise, the founder of which is mother of "person_2," read the court materials.
According to the state register of companies, the owner of Sodeistvie is Tetiana Avtonomova. On the website of the terrorists' organization DPR, his sum Dmytro Avtonomov is mentioned as head of Donbasugol and Vostokuglemet.
SBU said that Sodeistvie, in exchange of financing of DPR, received a permit from top managers of the terrorists' organization to extract coal on the territories that are not under control of Ukraine.
"According to preferences given by top managers of the terrorists' organization DPR on the territory that is temporarily not under control of Ukraine, including the town of Torez, extracts coal products [without permits from Ukrainian power agencies] and illegally supplies it to the territory of other Ukrainian regions where the products are sold," reads the court ruling.
SBU said that the owner of Sodeistvie transferred the cashless money received for coal sold to the accounts of his companies located outside Ukraine, in particular, Trade Systems LLC (Rostov, Russia, registered to Yevgeny Teplov).
"Then, cash is transferred via the uncontrolled sections of the Ukrainian border to the territory of DPR where they are sent to the DPR Republican Bank in the form of "taxes" and "charity assistance," reads the court materials.
Finally, the funds received for coal in Ukraine are distributed between military divisions of DPR and used to buy military equipment, weapons and engineer equipment to commit terrorist' acts against Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian authorities.
The court arrested 37 wagons with anthracite coal extracted in the interests of the owner of Sodeistvie.