Ukraine plans to pay public under ECHR verdicts with securities – justice minister

Ukraine plans to use securities to pay to its citizens under verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Justice Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko has said.
"Ukraine understands that it should fulfill its liabilities. Actually, the government, the president and parliament are to look for a mechanism for executing the verdicts issued by the European court," he said at a presentation on court system reform in Kyiv on Thursday.
He said that the mechanism has been drawn up.
"The state would issue relevant government loan securities, which a person would have the right to receive to pay for his/her claims," Petrenko said.
He said that some countries have applied the mechanism.
"Now we've drawn up the mechanism. It has passed the expert examination with representatives of the Council of Europe. I hope that the parliament would pass the proposals," he said.