12:34 01.09.2015

Govt defines mechanism for introducing plan to implement court reform

2 min read
Govt defines mechanism for introducing plan to implement court reform

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has defined a mechanism for introducing the action plan to on implementing court reform, legal processes, and legal institutions for 2015-2020.

Cabinet resolution No. 864-r of August 19 has been posted on the government's website.

According to the plan, the council for court reform is recommended: to define institutional coordinators to take measures among the authorized agencies, taking into account their competence, consider amending the action plan in part of defining agencies responsible for the realization of the measures and coordinate the implementation of the action plan at the central level. The council is to publish the action plan on its official website and provide regular updates if amendments are made.

The cabinet also ordered that institutional coordinators-ministries and other central executive power agencies should approve the annual plans for 2016 agreed with other agencies and the Finance Ministry within two months. Institutional coordinators should submit the annual plants to the council for court reform, start fulfilling them, and permanently revise them. They are obliged to provide aid to the council on issues linked to the implementation of the plan. Starting from 2016 through 2019, until October 1, institutional coordinators are to approve the annual plans for next year, and before March 1, starting from 2016, inform the cabinet on the state of the implementation of the action plan for the previous year.