10:07 18.08.2015

OSCE SMM members claim DPR representative threw unexploded Ukrainian shell into their vehicle

1 min read
OSCE SMM members claim DPR representative threw unexploded Ukrainian shell into their vehicle

A representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has approached a vehicle of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Special Monitoring Mission (OSCE SMM) "holding an unexploded shell in his hands" at the Olenivka checkpoint in Donbas, the mission said in a report.

"According to the interlocutor, it had been fired at them the previous night. During a short conversation, one of the "DPR" members present started criticizing the SMM for its activities and another one threw the shell into the SMM vehicle," it said.

The monitors analyzed it and assessed that it had been a 122mm artillery shell, which is banned by the Minsk peace accords for Ukraine.