Core inflation in Ukraine in June slows to 0.4% - State Statistics Service

Core inflation in Ukraine in June slows to 0.4% - State Statistics Service
KYIV. July 7 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Core inflation in Ukraine in June 2015 slowed to 0.4% from 1.9% in May, 4.6% in April and 10.8% in March, the State Statistics Service reported on Tuesday.
Since the beginning of the year, core inflation has reached 28.2%, while measured in annual terms (compared to the same month last year) it slowed to 45.1% from 46.5% in May and 47.1% in April.
Core inflation excludes short-term irregular price changes under the influence of individual factors which were administrative, seasonal, or related to a specific event. This relates to price dynamics, which does not take into account changes in prices of food and energy prices, in particular tariffs.
Growth in consumer prices in Ukraine in June also slowed to 0.4% from 2.2% in May and 14% in April, inflation in June 2015 from June 2015 slid to 57.5% against 58.4% in May 2015 from May 2014, and 60.9% in April 2015 from April 2014.
Last year consumer prices in Ukraine grew by 24.9%, while core inflation was 22.8%.