Laws should be amended to allow purchase of drugs via international organizations – official

Amendments to certain laws passed by the Ukrainian parliament (draft laws Nos. 2150 and 2151) should be made to allow the purchase of drugs and medical products via international organizations.
The press service of the Health Ministry of Ukraine reported that First Deputy Health Minister Oleksandra Pavlenko said this at a meeting of the Health Ministry's managers with international and patient organizations where the preparation for the state procurement of drugs through national treatment programs was discussed.
"The legal acts which are to be additionally passed for practical state procurement via international organizations are being drawn up. In the near future we will be ready to present them to the parliament. The amendments are required to be passed in the shortest term [possible], as the health of patients depends on this," she said.
As reported, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on April 17, 2015 signed the law on the state procurement of drugs with the participation of international organizations, in particular, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF (No. 2150).
The Ukrainian parliament on April 9, 2015 exempted transactions on the importation and supply of drugs which are bought via international organizations under state programs from value added tax (VAT) and imports duty (draft law No. 2151).