Normandy Quartet calls for ensuring OSCE monitor access to all districts in Donbas - French foreign minister

The foreign ministers of the Normandy Quartet have urged all parties to the conflict in Ukraine to provide OSCE monitors with complete access to all districts in eastern Ukraine, says French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.
The Normandy Quartet foreign ministers have called on the parties to withdraw their heavy weapons and fully implement the February 12 Minsk agreements, Fabius said in commenting on outcomes of a meeting between the Normandy Quartet foreign ministers at the French Foreign Ministry in Paris on Tuesday.
The Normandy Quartet has also called on all conflicting parties to fully cooperate with the OSCE mission so that it can properly carry out its mandate, especially concerning the monitoring and verification of the heavy weapons' withdrawal, he said.
The Normandy Quartet has also called on the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine to immediately set up working groups to achieve progress on a number of issues in eastern Ukraine.
The French, German, Russian, and Ukrainian foreign ministers have called for implementing all provisions of the Minsk agreements, starting with a full ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons, he added.