16:25 05.06.2014

Several border checkpoints closed in Luhansk region

2 min read

The Ukrainian State Border Guard Service has closed a number of checkpoints on its border with Russia in Luhansk region, the agency told Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday.

Such measures were taken due to the security situation in the region, it said.

In addition, the personnel from several border stations in Luhansk region have been deployed directly on the borderline with Russia, the State Border Guard Service said.

Earlier, armed supporters of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) claimed to have established control over a border guard squadron near Luhansk.

The Ukrainian Border Guard Service said for its part that regular attacks and blockades by armed people led to the personnel, weapons and equipment having to be redeployed from the Stanichno-Luhanske, Krasnodon, Biriukove, Sverdlovsk and Diakove divisions.

Furthermore, border guards sent proposals to the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers suggesting that movement through checkpoints on the border with Russia be stopped.

"Due to the difficult situation, the massing of large numbers of terrorists in border areas and the towns of Krasnodon and Sverdlovsk, the lack of a maneuvering possibility for border units, total threats to border guards' families, and constant shelling of border teams, control over the national borderline is now extremely hampered," the Ukrainian Border Guard Service said.

Yet despite all the difficulties, the border guards continue fulfilling their duties, the border agency said.

"However, we stress that moving the Ukrainian Armed Forces, National Guard and local law enforcement units to defend the national borderline and protect logistic approaches to the national border remains a pressing issue," the Ukrainian Border Guard Service said.