12:38 23.04.2014

Right Sector tells OSCE mission it is being transformed into party, its military wing dissolved

1 min read

The Lviv group of the OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine has met with the local leadership of the Right Sector nationalistic organization.

"The Lviv team met with the Head of the Right Sector in the city. He declared that all activities of the Right Sector were aimed at supporting the efforts to enhance the defense of the country (including registering volunteers, providing them with basic physical training without weapons) and that they were coordinated with the National Security Council of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Armed Forces," the mission said in a report available on the OSCE Web site.

The leadership of the Lviv branch of Right Sector also assured the OSCE mission that "Right Sector had dissolved its militant wing. It was transforming into a political party and did not consider itself to be a part of the 'armed groups' mentioned in the Geneva Statement," it said.