Acting president Turchynov appoints new Navy chief, former commander accused of treason

Acting Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov has dismissed Ukraine's recently appointed Navy commander, Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky, who took the oath of allegiance to "Crimean people", Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Viktoria Siumar said.
"Acting Defense Minister Ihor Teniukh received a reprimand in connection with this case," Siumar said at a briefing on Sunday evening.
Turchynov appointed Berezovsky as Navy commander the day before, on March 1, 2014.
After a video featuring Berezovsky taking the oath of allegiance to "Crimean people" appeared in the Internet, Teniukh removed him from performing duties and appointed Serhiy Haiduk as acting commander of the Ukrainian Navy.
Siumar says the Prosecutor General's Office in Ukraine has launched criminal proceedings against Berezovsky under Ukrainian Criminal Code's Article 111 "Treason."