Rybak: Ukrainian president is ready to sign European integration laws passed by parliament

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has all issues relating to the adoption of the laws on European integration under control and is still ready to sign the laws passed by the parliament, Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Rybak said.
"You know that the president has these issues under control," Rybak told reporters on Friday.
"I met with him yesterday and he asked me how things are. I told him the discussion is going on," the speaker said.
The president reiterated that he is ready to sign all laws passed by the parliament, Rybak said.
"The president talked with some parliamentarians and asked them to adopt a balanced approach to this issue and back some option," the speaker said.
"However, there are some parliamentarians who are accusing the president of pressuring them, saying they can't vote for a person who has inflicted damage in an amount of 20 billion to our state and the state has now overpaid for gas under the agreement signed with Tymoshenko," Rybak said.
The speaker also said lawyers have raised the question about the illegal accounts of Ukraine's two former prime ministers, Petro Lazarenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, which amount to $470 million, in foreign banks and lawsuits are being filed with courts.
The speaker also said ultimatums on the "Tymoshenko issue" are unacceptable.
"I believe there should be no ultimatums from the opposition," Rybak said.
Speaking about the negotiations with Cox and Kwasniewski, Rybak said they were "very-very difficult."
"They didn't make us any closer," he said.