17:16 04.11.2013

Tymoshenko issue litmus test for signing EU-Ukraine agreement – Polish Sejm Deputy Marshal

1 min read
Tymoshenko issue litmus test for signing EU-Ukraine agreement – Polish Sejm Deputy Marshal

The situation with treatment of convicted former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko abroad is a litmus test for the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Cezary Grabarczyk has said.

"Everyone in the EU is waiting for this decision regarding the law on the treatment of convicts – it's a litmus paper," he said at the seventh meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Ukraine and Poland in Kyiv on Monday.

Grabarczyk said that the settlement of the issue "is not a problem of two EU's envoys – [former European Parliament President Pat] Cox and [former Polish President Aleksander] Kwasniewski."