19:16 09.11.2012

Kyiv police call on citizens not to speculate on subject of suicide of man resembling Karavan killer

2 min read
Kyiv police call on citizens not to speculate on subject of suicide of man resembling Karavan killer

The police have called on citizens not to speculate on the subject of the body of a man resembling Yaroslav Mazurok, the suspect in killing security guards in the Karavan shopping mall in Kyiv, the media liaisons department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's main office in Kyiv reported on Friday.

According to the report, while commenting on the discovery of the body, "citizens, working in different spheres, often far from law enforcement activities, being incompetent, without possessing reliable and official information from the investigating authorities, and referring to some 'reliable sources' close to the investigation, disclosed their own, far from being true, versions of the incident, inventing its causes, conditions and circumstances."

"One of the most common is the rumor that the person similar to the suspect in the murder in Karavan was killed by other unidentified people," reads the statement.

The press service reported that Kyiv police were conducting over a hundred examinations in a criminal trial on the murder in the Karavan shopping center.

Thus, following the expert studies that have already been conducted, it was found that the man died as a result of a gunshot wound in the head. Other injuries or signs of violence on the body were not found. The shot was made in the right temple. The bullet went right through.

It was also found that "on the right hand of the deceased there were particles of diphenylamine. These substances are nitrocellulose stabilizers of (smokeless) powder. The presence of these substances on the limb of the deceased may indicate the presence of the shot products."

"The leadership of the Kyiv police is asking media workers and journalists of Web sites not to speculate on this subject, not to distribute and make premature subjective groundless assumptions, but to use the information only from official sources," the media liaisons department said.