Azarov promises help to Ukrainian automobile plants to load in full

Ukrainian Premier Mykola Azarov has promised that the government will help Ukrainian automobile plants and do everything for them to achieve full output capacity.
"It's a hard time for the Ukrainian automobile bundling sector, and I won't shut my eyes to these hardships. You made 280,000 vehicles per year, and now you're producing 60,000. We should do everything we can for you to achieve full output capacity," he said at a meeting with workers of Zaporizhia Automobile Plant in Zaporizhia on Tuesday.
He said that the government is drawing up measures, considering all of the pluses and minuses.
"There is a proposal to introduce import duties on vehicles. This is a plus for Ukrainian-made cars, but this is a minus for those of our buyers who do not want to buy ZAZ but to buy other cars," Azarov said.
"We should weigh all of the pluses and minuses. We'll certainly find a decision that will support you, and buyers will not be put in a position in which we impose something on them. Because when we impose something on buyers, you can forget an increase in quality and competition, but there has to be this for continuous self-improvement," he added.