09:16 03.10.2012

Excessive issue of dollars may up costs of energy for Ukraine, says premier

1 min read
Excessive issue of dollars may up costs of energy for Ukraine, says premier

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov says he is concerned that the excessive issue of U.S. dollars may up the costs of energy for Ukraine.

Addressing in Kyiv on Tuesday the heads of Ukrainian embassies abroad, the premier said that the United States and the European Union are currently making serious efforts to fight the coming, next wave of the financial and economic crisis.

Azarov says these processes could have both a negative and positive impact on Ukraine.

"How will it influence us? It's easy [to predict] the growth of price of energy. The devaluating dollar will push the price of crude oil up, and thus, the price of natural gas. Thus, these measures have advantages related to the possible invigoration of the world's economy, but there are disadvantages related to the fact that energy will cost us more," he said.