Azarov, Medvedev to meet in Yalta on Friday
Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov is to meet with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev in Yalta on Friday, September 28, on the sidelines of the meeting of the Council of the CIS prime ministers.
In addition, on September 27, Azarov will meet with Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Zhantoro Satybaldiyev, Moldovan Premier Vlad Filat, Belarusian Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich, and Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Kairat Kelimbetov, according to the Ukrainian premier's work schedule, which was given to reporters on Thursday.
On Friday, Azarov is scheduled to take part in the meeting of the CIS prime ministers and attend presentations of investment projects as part of the Yalta Business Meetings business forum.
The Ukrainian premier together with the heads of delegations of the CIS states will also take part in a session of the business forum dedicated to the new opportunities for investment and economic cooperation within the CIS.
On Saturday, September 29, Azarov is to leave Crimea for a working trip to Luhansk.