13:52 27.09.2012

Parliamentary committee hopes that obligatory state medical insurance to be introduced in 2014

1 min read

Obligatory state medical insurance could be introduced in Ukraine in 2014, the chairperson of the parliamentary committee for healthcare, Tetiana Bakhteyeva, has said.

"It could be in 2014. 2013 is a year for preparation and studying proposals. I'd like to see it introduced in 2014," she told journalists in Kyiv on Wednesday, asked when obligatory state medical insurance would be introduced.

She said that the best model of obligatory state medical insurance for the country are the French and Moldovan models, in which a state insurance fund is created to accumulate payments.

Bakhteyeva said that a law that will be passed by the Ukrainian parliament is to regulate the operation of the fund.

"I personally would propose 3% of wages to pay to the fund," she said.

Bakhteyeva said that the parliament is to every year revise the budget of the state insurance company.

She noted that parliament has discussed the bill on state medical insurance, although the document was not supported at third reading.

She said that the bill on medical insurance would be revised, and lawmakers will submit new bills on the issue.