Yermak urges parliamentarians to finalize Ukraine's legal alignment with OECD Anti-Bribery Convention by end of 2024

Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak calls on the MPs of Ukraine to complete amendments to Ukrainian legislation in accordance with the Anti-Bribery Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) by the end of 2024.
Speaking with a video address on Monday at the conference "Ukraine on the Road to OECD and Accession to OECD Anti-Bribery Convention" Yermak said in 2022 Ukraine submitted requests to join the EU and the OECD, and currently Ukraine has candidate status in the European Union, and in the OECD – the status of a prospective member with a clear route in the form of the OECD program for Ukraine.
"Moving towards membership in the EU and the OECD will allow us to modernize our country, guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all," the President's Office head said.
"Over these two years, the working group and its secretariat, created under NABU, have carried out titanic work. Two concepts of the reform of the liability of legal entities have been developed and presented," Yermak said.
In this context, the head of the President's Office said: "Now we are at the finish line, the two-year period determined by the OECD is ending, during which we had to amend the legislation to bring it into compliance with the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention."
He said Ukraine needs to mobilize its resources so that the necessary amendments to the legislation are adopted by the end of the year. In this regard, he appealed to representatives of the parliament with a request to do everything in their power "for the success of Ukraine's future application to join the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention."
"I hope that in December, during the plenary meeting of the OECD working group, where the final, fourth report on the progress of our reforms is expected, our delegation will be able to inform representatives of 44 countries that key reforms have been completed and Ukraine will submit an official request to the OECD by February 2025 to join the Convention and receive the status of a member of the working group," Yermak said.